Our honey is 100% raw, unfiltered, and pure.
It is a special place, where an authentic landscape has been preserved. We have apiaries on the property and each year we harvest native wildflower honey that is pure, raw, and unfiltered. Our bees forage on wild lavender, rockrose, blackberry, and other native Alentejan flowers.

Limited edition, numbered jars of pure honey with provenance
Our honey is available in gourmet shops in Portugal and for sale directly from our farm. Please contact us to arrange a visit or a list of shops who carry our products.
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We are currently only able to ship to EU countries
Our Honey
Bees are not only extremely important for humans, but also for entire ecosystems to function. As we know, bees allow plants to reproduce through pollination. These plants contribute to the food system by feeding animals – aside from humans – such as birds and insects. At Casa Baio we want to have the most biodiversity possible and honey bees are an important part of this. We have a very limited honey production each year as our bees are much more valued for what they give to us. Our honey is completely raw, pure and unfiltered.
Honey bees face many challenges in todays modern farming world. The use of insecticides, mono-crop farming, varroa mites, and loss of wild flower meadows mean that bees struggle to survive.. At Monte Vale de Baio we are attempting to help bees thrive by not using any chemicals and encouraging greater diversity of wild flowers and other native plants essential for our bees survival. When you purchase honey from our farm you are supporting the healthy ecology of Vale de Baio. You get to have a very healthy product while supporting the health of our planet.
"Good honey has a distinct sense of place and reflects where it comes from, the way a well-made wine or high-quality oyster would"
Lindsay Collins

Story #3
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Story #2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus feugiat scelerisque ligula, ut dignissim quam pellentesque ac. Praesent cursus bibendum quam in ultricies. Nunc sed